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Patriotic Retirement: Living In Solivita Retirement Community

Solivita Retirement Community Determined To Be Most Patriotic

Looking for yet another great reason why living in Solivita retirement community, Florida’s 4th largest active retirement community, is amazing? If you think about the two championship golf courses, countless recreation courts, spas, pools, fitness centers, and wonderful dining options, you might say, “what more could I ask for out of a retirement oasis?”
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Cozy Solivita Summer Days Courtesy Of Central Florida Rainstorms

No Drought Here Thanks To Central Florida Rainstorms

Glad to say the drought in Florida seems to be ending! Here in Solivita, we get those kinds of Central Florida rainstorms that make the news. It is rainy season and we are experiencing afternoon rainstorms. Our ponds are again full and teeming with life. The frogs are singing and the turtles are relaxing on the shores of our lakes and streams. The afternoon rain is welcome, it brings a bit of cool, and the sound of it bouncing off the roof is pleasant and lyrical.
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Read This Before Buying A Home In Florida


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buying-a-home-in-floridaWhat You Need to Know Before Buying a Home in Florida

Buying a home in Florida sounds like, well, vacation and it basically is. But, there is a lot you should know before buying a home in Florida paradise. It is critical you know everything you can about the residency before spending your hard-earned money and getting locked into something you eventually do not enjoy. Before buying a home in Florida, you’ll need to know things like: current market conditions, home inspections, HOA communities
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Solivita The Retirement You Dreamed Of


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A Tranquil Haven: Solivita, The Retirement You’ve Dreamed Of

Got up this morning feeling lucky, not lottery lucky, but just lucky in general. We live in a beautiful community surrounded by great friends and neighbors. We can stay “on campus” all day yet still have lots to do; golf, tennis, fishing, gardening, walking, running, the options seem to be endless. I love to go for a ride in the golf cart, stop and visit with friends, park the cart at the bistro, enjoy a flatbread, walk up to the lending library, or have a snack at the grill.   A simple, pleasant way to spend the day. No traffic, no gas nor tolls, no horns beeping, and no commotion.
Solivita is a lovely community. On days when I am feeling pressured I sit back, drink in the pleasant surroundings, and let the stress dissolve. I feel blessed that we found and embraced this community and built our lives here. Solivita is virtually maintenance free, surrounded by wildlife and natural beauty, and our weather is pleasant, most of the time. The skies, even on the hottest days, are always a deep shade of blue. I Could not, nor would I, ask for more. I invite you to visit Solivita and see for yourself how good life can be.
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Solivita Discovery Days!

3 Days & 2 Nights 

$129+ tax for 2 people (Certain terms and conditions apply.)

Solivita invites you to preview the best years of your life for three days and two nights. Experience one of the best premier “55+” communities.

  • 3 Days/2 Nights for $129 (Certain terms & conditions apply)
  • Explore the Solivita lifestyle firsthand
  • Stay in a fully furnished guest home
  • Enjoy complimentary lunch and dinner
  • Cruise around in your own golf cart
  • Use all recreational facilities during stay
  • Meet Solivita residents & Realtors Lee & Lorraine Valdes (owners) of Bella Verde Realty

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Call (407) 641-2688 or Complete Form Below To Reserve Your Solivita® Discovery Days Visit

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Rethink Retirement: Indulge In A Thrilling Active Retirement Lifestyle

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Rethink Retirement: Indulge In A Thrilling Active Retirement Lifestyle

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Retirement doesn’t have to be sitting on the couch, watching reruns of your favorite television show. Imagine yourself looking out to a beautiful lake while painting a picture, or ceramic. Later you check out the fitness center equipped with state-of-the-art cardiovascular and strength equipment. You decide you want to play a round of golf instead.
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Springtime In Solivita: Community Garden Time In Solivita!

Community Garden in Solivita – What a blast!

We recently got our first plot and decided to plant some seeds. Explored the internet for seeds and stumbled upon the Burpee Seed Catalog. What a Hoot! Seeds for every fruit and vegetable. While searching for seeds we found Direct Sow Seeds. After reading and researching we picked a few varieties to plant, provided Burpee with our address and credit card info, and in three days our seeds were in our mailbox.
Prior to moving to Florida, when planting seeds, we nurtured them under a grow light, and transplanted the plants when they were strong and the earth had turned warm. We both (Lee & Lorraine Valdes) always had fun playing in the dirt and eventually harvested some vegetables, but most of our efforts went into feeding the local rabbits, deer and birds. Who can relate? *Chuckles*
Take a look at this close-up of the community garden, it’s truly looking marvelous!

Well, it is about three weeks since the seeds hit the dirt, and already we have spinach, carrots and peppers emerging from the earth. Solivita has a great fenced in Community Garden Space with raised beds, easy access to water, fertilizer, soil and neighbors and friends to advise, share and help you water your garden plus share the bounty of fun and friendship.
On a beautiful sunny morning we had our first garden meeting. The sun has been shining and we’ve had a few showers – the best climate for healthy growing plants! I know we will not only enjoy the time spent in the garden but the fruit of our labor as well.
Off to weed the garden!

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Mortgage Qualification: 5 Factors That Determine How Much Mortgage You Can Qualify For


Mortgage Qualification Factor #1: Know Your Credit Score. Beef it up.

This is the single biggest mortgage qualification out there. Why? Because it’s proof that you can pay back what you owe. Your credit score is the combination of all of your loans, credit cards, and your payment histories. If you haven’t got all your ducks in a row, there are all kinds of tools out there to help you when you want to improve your credit. The most simple goal to aspire for is to make sure you’re making payments on time, and that no bill collector is trying to collect on things you owe.
Credit is complicated. The first thing to do to get bad credit back on track is to check your credit reports through the main credit companies: Equifax, Experian, TransUnion; Get everything you owe paid up-to-date. It can take a while for your credit to clear out, so the goal is to be vigilant. The best way to raise your scores is by establishing your credit history through a single lender with a small debt while building savings and assets. Another huge factor for your credit is your current income.
With a high enough credit score, you can secure much lower interest rates on your mortgage than someone with poor credit.

Mortgage Qualification Factor #2: Loan-to-Value Ratio

It wouldn’t make any sense to put a huge chunk of money down on something that was never going to bring a solid return on your investment. Imagine if your friend had a bike that sold at the local big-box store for $125, but they needed to borrow that amount from you to purchase the bike. You don’t know if they’re ever going to be able to completely pay you back, but you can take their bike if they don’t pay you- the catch is, you can only expect to sell it for 50 to 75 percent of what you spent on it. This means that you’d automatically take a $40 to $62.50 loss if your friend doesn’t pay you back and you end up taking the bike.
If this friend was a good friend, you might invest the money in him/her to get a nice shiny bike, but most mortgage lenders aren’t there to be your friend – they’re there to make money. This is why mortgage lenders use a ratio called the Loan-to-Value Ratio to establish a person’s credit. Obviously, this isn’t the only factor that a mortgage lender is going to use, but larger loans are seen as a larger risk (this can be said of smaller loans too) and therefore bring higher interest and payments.
If the house you really want is going to require you to take a mortgage over 75% you should probably consider another house.

Mortgage Qualification Factor #3: Debt-to-Income Ratio

America is all about working and proving your livelihood to improve your lot in life. Plus, you have to expect to grow and expand if you want to raise a family, be successful and expand your life. If you haven’t got these expectations for yourself, don’t worry the bank does!
Typically speaking, when you’re looking to get a mortgage, you should have a debt-to-income ratio around 43% or lower. What debt-to-income ratios show lenders is how you are personally able to manage your payments on the money you’ve borrowed in comparison to your finances that you earn. A rough example of this is to assume you’re paying $1,000 a month on your mortgage, $200 on your shiny new car, and another $800 for all of your other debts (school loans). Take the sum total ($2,000) and divide it by 0.4. You should make this amount (in our example it’s roughly $5,000 a month) for a bank to give you the best deal on your mortgage. If you don’t, the bank might still give you your mortgage, but it won’t be a qualified mortgage.
Cut out your extra debts or increase your income to get the bank on your side when you’re looking to get the best mortgage out there.

Mortgage Qualification Factor #4: Housing Cost-to-Income Ratio

You don’t buy a car without expecting to change a few parts after years of owning it, why would you do any differently with your home? Lenders see houses as huge investments. They assume your goal is to make an investment that makes you money and this requires you to take all the necessary steps – paying your mortgage principal, your interest payments, property taxes, hazard insurance, mortgage insurance, and fees. If all this exceeds over 28% of your income, you’ll probably have to find something more affordable.
Banks or lenders might still lend you money, even if your front ratios are too high. These types of negotiations typically require co-borrowers to lower initial payments, but if you have a mortgage that’s too high and you can only afford to pay the bare minimum because of your debts, and housing costs aren’t low enough compared to your salary, you’re going to find yourself swimming in a debt that just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
You might forget about your bills and expenses, but banks don’t. If you aren’t making enough so that your salary is higher than projected housing costs, you might have to look into something more affordable.

Mortgage Qualification Factor #5: Down-payment Amount

A down payment is your ace in the hole. The more cash you can put down, the lower your payments are going to be, which plays a huge factor in deciding your other ratios. A good rule of thumb is to try and put a sizable chunk into the amount you’re trying to borrow. It helps to consider the principal of your loan, and the amount of time that you plan on taking to pay it back, plus sometimes lenders will give you additional incentives when you put money down in the form of rebates, that can definitely add up over the long run.
The best thing to do is to try to put down 20% on your initial mortgage. This means if you’re trying to borrow $100,000, you should aim to put at least $20,000 in. Not only will you get lower interest rates, your payments will be drastically smaller. If you can’t pay 20%, experiment to see how lower amounts of down-payments can affect your costs.

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What's With The Solivita® Pink Flamingos?

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Have you Seen Any Solivita Pink Flamingos Lately?

While driving through Solivita be on the look-out for Pink Flamingos, not the ones with feathers, but rather pink painted Flamingos planted on the front lawns in Solivita.
Why are you looking for Pink Flamingos? The answer is – So that you can go to a party and make some new friends. Many of our neighbors have taken to planting Pink Flamingos on their front lawn as
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Things to do in Orlando When the Family Comes to Visit

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Things to do in Orlando When Family Comes to Visit

As Northern temperatures drop and entryways are strewn with snowy boots and wet gloves, hats and scarves, our northern friends and family inevitably grow jealous of our sandals and sun-drenched surroundings. Next thing we know, they’ve dug out their shorts and sun hats, and packed their bags to find relief in our sunny backyards.
While the amusement parks offer easy entertainment, especially for the kids and grandkids, we know that our lovely home-city has so much more to offer outside the park gates. From beautiful gardens and nature preserves to museums and a rich performing-arts scene, there are endless ways to entertain your northern visitors in and around the city. Perhaps you’ll even convince them to trade-in their snow boots for a pair of flip-flops and join you in the sunshine state for good – and with their own yard!
Here we’ve highlighted a few Orlando favorites to show off when the family comes to visit, as well as a link to download our Orlando Area Guide – for those ready to delve a little deeper.
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Orlando Area Guide

See Orlando through an Insider’s Eyes

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For the Earthy Eater: East End Market
Live local at this neighborhood market, a collection of locally sourced eateries in the Audubon Park Garden District of Orlando. The market is full of organic food options, like the “all-Florida-all year” Local Roots Farm Store and flights of Florida beer and wine. La Bretxa specializes in wild-caught Florida seafood ready for grilling, and Skyebird Juice Bar & Experimental Kitchen offers fresh vegan juices, smoothies, and raw-food menu – and that’s just the beginning. Grab your selection inside, then head out to the picnic tables, nestled amongst the flowerbeds, to bask in the Florida sunshine.
For the Sweet Tooth: Private Island Ice Cream
The kids will be wowed when they visit Private Island Ice Cream. Once they’ve chosen their flavors, they’ll watch as the bowl of cream is shot with liquid nitrogen, turning it into ice cream right before their eyes. The treat comes with unlimited mix-ins and toppings like delicious homemade caramel and cookie dough or cayenne pepper for the more adventurous eater, all for a set cost of $5. Private Island is located right across from Gatorland – a perfect end-of-the-day adventure stop.
For the Kids: Pirates Dinner Adventure
The kids will go crazy for a chance to join the show as a member of Captain Sebastian the Black’s crew of evil pirate renegades. This dinner show takes place on board a pirate ship anchored in an indoor lagoon, and is filled with music, laughter, stunts and adventure, not to mention the Port of Call Feast.
For the Adventurer: Wallaby Ranch
Get a thrill and enjoy the sights from above by hang gliding over central Florida. Wallaby Ranch offers year-round Tandem Flights and hang gliding instruction. Located just outside of Orlando,   the staff at Wallaby Ranch use the latest tandem aerotowing techniques to provide the safest, most enjoyable hang gliding experience possible.
For the Nature-Lover: Harry P Leu Gardens
The beautiful Leu Gardens, located right near Downtown Orlando, offers an extensive 50-acre botanical sanctuary. With the mission of inspiring visitors to appreciate and understand plants, each garden is designed to be a delight for the senses. The Leu House Museum is located in the heart of the gardens and provides a lesson in turn-of-the century living experiences by the families who once called the museum home. The Gardens also play host to a number of events year round, from concerts to storytimes and movie nights, and even outdoor exhibits like the current Dinosaur Invasion.
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