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GAL One Plus One Gift Drive

It is that time of the year again. Bella Verde Realty is the Proud Sponsor of a Gift Giving Drive for Osceola’s Foster Children. We are Proud to say that this is the 5th year we have worked to help the Children ranging from ages 0 – 18 enrolled in the GAL Program. We ask all to donate a gift or a gift card to the Guardian ad Litem Program who help over 500 children that have been abused, neglected, or abandoned in Osceola County. For Every Gift Donated to us, the children will get 2 gifts. One from you and One from Us. We thank You for Helping Us give Florida’s GAL Children Happy Holidays.

We invite you to Visit our website to see our past HOLIDAY GAL Fundraiser Info. www.bellaverderealty.com  Go to the About Tab, then News, and scroll down to our blog archives, dive into every December for the past 4 years, and see our GAL Gift Giving Success Stories.

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