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Local Happenings

Our team is always bragging about the generosity and kindness of the folks in Solivita. Recently we had a neighbor and a friend donate new cases of toys to our GAL Project. Lots of toys, too many toys for one project to handle, but this wonderful problem was solved this month. We are proud to say that our team got on the phone and found multiple Children’s projects to distribute over 50 cases of new toys in Central Florida. The recipients of these toys; GAL in Kissimmee, GAL in Bartow, the Ronald McDonald House in Lake Nona and the Healthy Family Project in Polk and Highlands Counties. All the deliveries were gladly received and will bring joy to the children and families that received them. Our family of realtors repacked the cases, assorted the goodies, put on some driving tunes, grabbed a map, and delivered to each of the recipients above. Happy to say that this week we not only sold some real estate but made some kids happy at the same time. Thank you Solivita for your kindness.