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Time for a New Start!

It’s a New Year, It’s a New Start.  Time to Take Action and Make 2018 The Year for YOUR New Start.  
From the Peaceful Ponds teaming with fish and gators to the beautiful birds that live in our community, and the flocks of birds that winter with us.  Sometimes, it seems that living in Florida is almost too perfect!
Driving to work this morning in Solivita I witnessed an eagle dive into the Lake on Shorehaven in search of breakfast, what a magnificent sight.  Unfortunately, the fish got away, so not so magnificent for the eagle, but certainly a Wonderful Start to my day.  That experience got me thinking back to the days when I lived up North and commuted to work in the Winter.  The traffic, the pollution, the potholes, the ice, snow and slush, and the worst part for me, finding the time to wait while the car warmed up.  
At the start of my working life it was all fun.  I enjoyed long walks in the freshly fallen snow, building of snowmen, skating on the lake in the park; I did not even mind the snow shoveling so much.  My favorite winter memories are of coming home, my cheeks rosy red and cold, and enjoying the warmth of an evening by the fire. Must admit, by the time I was rounding my late 30’s the charm of winter had worn off and Lee and I were happy to find our perfect place in the Sun.    
Call or Email Us, and we will be happy to help you Find Your Perfect Place in the Sun.